Trauma and PTSD Counseling and Therapy

Have you had a traumatic event in your life? 

Up to 90% of individuals will experience a traumatic event in their lifetime. This includes physical or sexual assault, domestic violence, the sudden, violent death of a loved one, exposure to mass violence (e.g., 9/11), or a natural disaster (e.g., Hurricane Katrina). 

Common reactions to trauma include feelings of shock or disbelief, intense fear, helplessness, depression, and loss of interest/joy in your life. These reactions are normal and usually resolve over time with the proper emotional support from friends and family.

Sometimes, however, they don’t go away.  There are situations where the traumatic reactions intensify and persist for more than a month after the trauma, and they disrupt your life. When that happens you may be experiencing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  PTSD is a debilitating psychological condition that may develop after exposure to a trauma.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder symptoms may include:

  • Intrusive and distressing thoughts and nightmares related to the trauma.
  • The need to avoid reminders of the trauma (e.g., specific places). Also, the use of alcohol to avoid thinking about the trauma.
  • Difficulty experiencing positive emotions such as love and happiness.
  • Difficulty concentrating or sleeping, and feeling easily startled or on edge.
  • Waves of intense negative emotions such as fear, shame, and guilt.
  • Believing that you are to blame for the traumatic event, or that people are no longer trustworthy.

Treatment for PTSD typically involves education about the nature of trauma and PTSD reactions, emotionally processing the trauma experience, identifying and replacing unrealistic thoughts and beliefs about the traumatic event, and gradually facing situations and people that you have avoided since the trauma.

 For more information on Trauma and PTSD visit:

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Lesia M. Ruglass, Ph.D.Trauma and PTSD Counseling and Therapy